
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Experienced and special writings of Readers

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

During Hajj tour I got a matchless tip:

In 2011, Allah جل جلالہ grants the opportunity of performing Hajj to me and my wife. I had my back operation much time before but I used to have difficulty in walking. In my country, I would walk and sit and stand with my own way. It had become one habit but in first Umrah, during tawaf of Ka’aba, the condition of man like as if a blind is made to cross the road by holding his hand and dragging quickly. My wife holds my hand in similar way and made me do tawaf and then made me do safa and marwah too. I know that during tawaf, I don’t have permission to sit (apart from prayer timings) I had intense pain in my legs and walking was difficult. My wife dragged me continuously and made me complete 7 rounds and in safa marwah also, how the condition went it is un-expressible. I came in room and asked dua from Allah while crying a lot that right now the obligation of Hajj is left. How will I perform it in this condition? I had to take medicine also along with dua. In Azizya, in front of hotel was one shop of general store. I reached to the shop before time. Right now there was some time in opening of shop. Outside the shop, on ground, one habshi was doing massage on his legs. Thought! I am not alone. If this wrestler has such condition, my matter is some else. When the shop opened so I bought one box of olive oil and came in room and did much massage (do remember that one olive oil is of eating and the other is for massage) and kept on praying a lot from Allah جل جلالہ. By seeing my condition, my nice room-mates would also help me. Till morning, I do massage many times. Massage was enough once also but my mission was near so I kept the legs very warm. Olive is very intensely warm. The qualities which Allah جل جلالہ has kept in olive are unique. The readers will be surprised that in complete Hajj, I didn’t get any pain then although many times we kept on forgetting the way and this extra mile journey was also passed easily. Alhamdulillah! Allah جل جلالہ made us reach till cave of hira as well. It is saying of Allah, for you, olive oil is present. Eat it and do massage on body. (Fayaz Ahmed Quraishi, Peshawar)



Whatever is the exam! Now what sort of worry:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assalam-o-Alikum! Allah جل جلالہ grants you great reward that you are a source of good for us. You brought us to the world of actions and guided towards good deeds and till now doing it. Aameen! My brother (who is not real brother but more than real brothers) is doing ACCA from Islamabad CPE collage. His paper was about to happen which was not any ordinary paper. He was himself very worried and tensed. Rest of the family members was also worried. I was also thinking about his paper because he started studying after the gap of 2 years and then it was very difficult study. Took admission on saying of parents and matter of worry was this that when he took admission, then also he was 2 months late and due to which, syllabus was gone forward. Well I was worried but not at heart because I had belief that my brother will surely get pass. The reason for it was the wonderful act written in Ubqari magazine of Ramadan for getting succeeded in exams. I planned that this is the key to success. Recite act یَاعَلِیْمُ 211 times (before giving exam). After Morning Prayer and when you start giving exam, recite it very much. Apart from this, before giving exam, recite Surah Qalam and blow it on your pen but I said to my brother that apart from reading it after prayer, when you sit at night for reciting, so before opening the book also, recite یَاعَلِیْمُ 211 times and secondly do blow Surah Qalam. In the study of my brother (ACCA) there is no use of pen. Only the questions are given on computer and the answers are also been given on computer. Meaning they are typed. So therefore, I said to him with my understanding that before going for collage, recite surah Qalam and blow on your hands. He started doing this act and did it with much focus and carefully. On the day when paper was to be done, everyone was very worried and tensed. But I was peaceful because I was reciting every day after Fajr prayer, surah Qalam and یَاعَلِیْمُ. There I was requesting from Allah جل جلالہ that O Allah! Keep the honor of your name and your wordings, on you (Allah) keep the honor of my firm belief that I made the brother 100% belief with much faith and pride while giving him this act. When he was done with giving the exam so told me the news of pass. Especially he told me that sister, in the end when it’s the last click to attempt the paper that takes the breath of student. Just there are 2 seconds and we have to dick one button. Brother was saying that sister, I didn’t get to know and the sign of pass came. Then I offered nafils of thanks and with the intention of presenting my tears. Hakeem Sir this is only the wonder of this act. Third act: Recite 11 times یَاحَفِیْطُ and this is act of protection on you, on house and so on everything. Wherever I keep my money, keep them carelessly. If I am alone at home and I become sleepy, I recite یَاحَفِیْطُ and                               (بِسْمِ اللہِ عَلٰی دِیْنِیْ وَ نَفْسِیْ وَ وَلَدِیْ وَاَھْلِیْ وَمَالِیْ) and sleep carelessly, whether the main doors of outside are open. Alhamdulillah! Everything used to be same. Many things keep on being protected. They don’t come in anyone’s eyesight. One day, in our neighborhood, some thieves came in house for stealing. On getting someone knows, they ran. Just it was late to know this new scare and fear made place in every one’s heart. Sometimes they would say, put lock on gate, open the dog etc. But I was satisfied.  (یَاحَفِیْظُ بِسْمِ اللہِ عَلٰی دِیْنِیْ وَ نَفْسِیْ وَ وَلَدِیْ وَاَھْلِیْ وَمَالِیْ) would read this and blow on both the doors and on house. Just! Mostly at night, whole gate used to be open because father use to come and go again and again on bike. That’s why we open gate fully and put it with wall. From home someone saw that the door is completely open of the side, on which side




For stealing the thieves came. Scolded me that at night you take news from here and there, you didn’t see the door open. I said that today I slept but after lying on bed, I imagined the doors and blown these both acts after reciting. No one sees that our door is open or close. Whoever sees, he finds our door closed forcefully if I have to live some day or for few days outside the house, and do the blowing. Only Allah جل جلالہ does the safety.

Forth act: (بسم اللہ توکلت علی اللہ لا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ ). Whoever gets out of a house or him he has to go somewhere so surely recites this act and do blow. And if I don’t remember while exiting the house so I imagine while reciting and do blow. And then from command of Allah, I become peaceful and carefree. I am telling some medical tips which are my experienced.

1. When blood pressure gets low so quickly make drink one glass of water and add 1 lemon and 2 pinch of salt. (Don’t add sugar). Insha’Allah after some minutes, blood pressure will become very normal.

2. Mostly by falling or hitting with anything, abrasion comes or wound becomes or in other situation, some wound would become worse and increase so don’t get worried. Quickly make half tea spoon of pure turmeric, half spoon crushed cloves, (complete powder) 1 small spoon, local ghee (if you don’t have local ghee then other ghee can also be added), put local ghee in steel plate, do slight hot and along with it add turmeric and powder of cloves also and mix well. Make it warm on light heat and get it off quickly meaning as much hot the skin could tolerate, do it that hot and apply nicely on the wound with cotton. Apply as much that the wound would hide. Apply every day 3 times or by seeing the condition of wound, you can even apply 2 times. Very quickly it becomes scab and peels off and the wound gets better. It is a very excellent tip.

3. We are using glycerin from years for the protection of skin. The skin or hands and face become very hard. Especially in winters it becomes more hard and coarse. One solution for all these problems which is experienced by us from years: 50 grams glycerin, pure rose water 2 big spoons, lemon juice 2 spoons. Put all these three things in a bottle and shake very well, so that, this solution will get mixed nicely. Every day before sleeping, very nicely apply this solution on your hands and face. Do massage nicely on hands. Apply on lips and if the ankles are torn so apply pure glycerin nicely. Your skin will become soft and coarse will finish completely. At day, at morning or every time after ablution if you apply so it’s very good, complexion will get enhanced. (The amount of rose water and lemon can be made more or less).

4. I read in Ubqari’s edition about burn that when the skin gets burn with water or oil, or in any way so apply sesame oil, the pust won’t become and you won’t feel pain even. Above the knee, on the skin of my younger sister, hot water fell down. First she applied tooth paste; neither bruise was made nor was any other difference seen. I kept on watching for 2 to 3 minutes. When all got more worried that no difference is made and that’s why sister was also crying very much so immediately the tip published in Ubqari, came into my mind, for which I went into the kitchen. I took sesame oil and made it fall on the burnt area of my sister’s leg (meaning on the wound, to apply oil with cotton is out of tolerance so I applied oil nicely on whole wound). Approximately it was burnt till size of hand, few minutes were passed that my sister felt burning less and some peace came. Then after some time the burning was finished and due to passing of sometime which pusts were made slightly (blisters), till night they finished over there, with this physically common but unique tip, burning doesn’t happen and neither are made which becomes the reason of very unbearable pain. After this I told this tip to everyone and along with it said that wherever you go, sit and do discuss it for sure because it is very easy tip. (Prescription) (Kiran Zulfiqar, Gujra Khan)

Right now such people are present:

Alright, the man got time for the eye operation. My surgeon was captain (R) Muhammad Hanif Sir, who has private eye hospital. I said to my son that after operation I will call you so you take me back to home. After getting free from operation, I called my son outside the hospital and in his wait I stood on the road, outside the hospital. It was night time, cars were coming and going. One car passed near me. It put break and from it one man, who was unknown to me came out and called me, Brother! Why are you standing? If you want to go somewhere so my car is present. If it’s the problem of money, so I may solve it. Why are you standing here worried? I said in reply that I have called my son; he is coming to pick me in ten minutes in sha Allah. I am just standing in his wait. He said that if the son would have into some problem and he won’t be able to come, so what you will do? The man said, in sha Allah he will surely come. I sent him back myself. That man started saying ok! I will also wait till your relative come. During this, within 10 minutes, the son arrived. That man was about to go so I said that much thanks to you. Well, make your introduction, that who are you, to which Allah جل جلالہ sent for my service? He said that I am M. P. A of local area of Punjab. I made him go with plenty of duas that right now such people are still present in world on whose support this world exists. Who do unconditional service of unknown people at night, by being on top of their personal tasks and take their duas. I got very inspired by his personality and today also pious duas comes out from the depth of heart for him. (Ghulam Qadir Haraj, Jhung)


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